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Ekeri is awarded for its work in sustainability


We are proud to announce that Ekeri received the Jakobstad region’s award in sustainability for its diligent work in reducing its climate impact. It was the first time the award was handed out in the region.

The award recognizes Ekeri as a forerunner with its commitment and engagement in sustainable development. In addition, the climate-neutral plant serves as an inspiration within their industry both regionally and in the Nordic countries.

The climate-neutral factory

Ekeri has been working continuously with sustainable production since the 1980s when the first sustainability goals were set. However, the most recent goal and achievement reach a new level of ambition.

The groundwork for becoming a climate-neutral factory was laid in 2007 when we decided to move to wood chip heating. During the past years, we have reduced our electricity and fuel consumption and switched to exclusively using green electricity.

The company has undergone an evaluation process under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), the world’s most widely used standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions, giving us a better overview of our emissions. With the GHG protocol as our guide, we have taken necessary measures to reduce and compensate for our environmental impact. Thus, Ekeri is one of the first companies, both regionally and within its industry, that can take pride in climate-neutral production.

The commitment continues

Our climate commitment continues by offering flexible, climate-smart, and durable transport solutions. The latest addition in transport units, the High Capacity Transport Module 16, is an excellent example. With Module 16 and similar transport solutions with a high loading capacity, the transport industry’s climate impact can be reduced when more goods can be transported simultaneously and possibilities for return loads are improved.

The work for a more environmentally friendly transport industry continues!

According to the region’s climate strategy, the Jakobstad Region Development Company Concordia has created a new award to inspire, engage and promote good examples of work in sustainability being done on different levels in the region. The sustainability award is handed out yearly to a person, a company/society/organization, and a municipal initiative. Inhabitants of the region are allowed to nominate candidates for the award in their respective categories.

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Asplund
Email: daniel.asplund@ekeri.fi
Phone: +358 (0)6 7887 415


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